About IE@NC and HHMI
North Carolina State University was one of 57 universities awarded a five-year, $1 million grant by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) to provide national leadership in science education by exploring and engaging in strategies that will lead to inclusive science education. Visit https://www.hhmi.org/science-education/programs/inclusive-excellence for more information about the HHMI Inclusive Excellence program.
Inclusive Excellence at NC State is working to:
- Create an ever-growing community of faculty and advisors who are aware of barriers to student success and who are committed to transforming their teaching and mentoring through inclusive excellence.
- Infuse inclusive pedagogical practices throughout existing courses and support the development of new courses with course-based research experiences.
- Cultivate an enhanced sense of belonging and self-efficacy in science among all of our students, with a focus on transfer students.
- Advocate to university leadership on behalf of changes to practices and policies that create arbitrary barriers and otherwise get in the way of inclusive excellence.
- Develop partnerships with administrators, faculty, staff and students at NC State community colleges to better support transfer student success.
IE@NC Leadership
The IE@NC Core Leadership team includes Dr. Jane Lubischer (PI), Dr. Jason Flores (co-PI), Dr. Lisa Parks (co-PI), Colleen Vasu Oliver (Project Coordinator), and Dr. Natalie Cooke (assessment oversight). This team has decades of experience with course, curricular and program development and administration in the life sciences at NC State. Drs. Lubischer, Flores, and Parks also have extensive experience with developing and facilitating professional development workshops for faculty. IE@NC looks forward to continuing to develop additional partnerships with colleagues at NC State and the NC Community Colleges to enhance student success and institutional excellence.